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Gertie's Story

You are probably wondering why you should be taking advice about women living life to the max from some chick living in the South of France named Gertie.

Well I’m not pretending to be some qualified life coach or women’s rights advocate, neither do I have any little initials following my full name indicating years of professional study.

What I do have is life experience and loads of scrapes and bruises from making mistakes and learning hard lessons along the way. I see life from an optimistic viewpoint and I love to laugh at life and make others laugh along with me. Otherwise what the hell is the point in getting up in the morning?!

I have studied, travelled, been married, divorced, had children, worked for an international corporation, a small business and for myself.

I decided to write this blog because I felt that in today’s popular culture of reality television, pop stars and princesses, there was no one out there speaking on behalf of Real Women. My ultimate mission in this world is to be happy. I want to be a good mother and lover, to be professionally fulfilled, fit and healthy, and to look good while doing it (but when, and only when, I’m in the mood). I will never be skinny enough, talented enough or rich enough according to popular culture and I still have lessons to learn. But I am me. And that is something special.

My life in a nutshell (a.k.a a bullet-point list)
  • I am the daughter of an English mother and father who ended up being a diplomat for New Zealand. I was brought up in Argentina, Brazil, UAE, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Africa and the USA. The Far East Asia has yet to be conquered!
  • I studied International Relations at the London School of Economics before completing business and media degrees at Sheffield University.
  • I have worked for big international companies, for small family-run businesses, and lately, for myself (which suits me best because then I can boss around whoever I want);
  • I was married once and then divorced (after only one month of marriage: I decided married life wasn’t for me – compromise is not my strong suit);
  • I have two young children, Elsie and George. My first priority is childcare. I do love my children dearly but I don’t especially have an affinity to anyone else’s. And I thank God on a daily basis for the creation of Disney movies and iPads;
  • I endeavour to be a Domestic Goddess on an occasional basis, but only when I have both the time and the inclination. I make no apologies for serving something out of a packet as long as it’s well presented on a pretty plate.
  • I believe that all religions have tips to offer living a more meaningful life;
  • I believe we should look to our past to learn the lessons our grandparents had to give us;
  • I believe in going green and that the principle of saving our Planet is generally a “good idea” (Sigh - the Wombles had a lot to offer);
  • Favourite quotes (all Oscar Wilde)
    • ‘Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.‘
    • ‘It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly.’
    • ‘How clever you are, my dear! You never mean a single word you say.’

I believe that now is the time to focus on the pleasure of life again, and specifically the pleasure of living life as a woman. The focus of Gertie’s Dictums will be tips and advice on how to achieve this in today’s world. So join me on my adventure to battle against the ordinary. Be extraordinary, and have a laugh and lots of cocktails along the way!