1. Drink lots of water and green tea.
2. Have at least 8 hours of sleep a night (before the baby arrives!).
3. Meditate daily.
4. Avoid processed food.
5. Concentrate on the positives instead of negatives.
6. Have sex at least twice a week (before the baby arrives!).
7. Think the best of others.
8. Laugh more.
9. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
10. Appreciate the small things.
This is my list. I have another 10 points at least but these are the ones that I will concentrate on for now.
Now you do it... Go on!
If you put the points into practice then in two weeks you'll notice that you are much more mindful of ways you can improve your mood and perspective. In a month, habits will be forming and you can hone your list to meet your needs.
Welcome in a positive, vital, mindful new you!
Send me your lists and we can inspire each other. Gx
08 March 2013
Things to Start Doing... No Excuses!
Posted by Gertie. organisation,Stress,zen - No comments
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