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03 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions and All that Jazz

morning meditation in oceanWell strike me down with a Galette de Rois and call me Baby, it's list making time again! I am a big fan of lists. A list of things to do, a list for the shopping, a list for the Indian Shop (it merits one of its own), a list of exercise timings (oh, ok, a bit of an exaggeration, I'll get back to this one). By jingo, I could even make a list of my lists but I digress.

Traditionally, the dawn of the new year is associated with choosing goals on how to make yourself a better person.  Whether it's quitting smoking, losing weight, working out, becoming more successful, we've all inevitably subscribed to one or other of these resolutions at some point in our lives.  I think it's natural really.  The holiday period is a time when most get together with friends or family and take a break from daily routines.  This allows us the time to think about ourselves for once.  And ways in which we can each try to make ourselves that little bit happier, whether that be by stopping smoking, eating less, exercising more, or working more efficiently.

I'm not usually one to commit to New Year's Resolutions (NYR's).  I'm not sure if it's because I don't proscribe to improving oneself only once per calendar year or, if I'm brutally honest, have a fear of utterly failing.  Not sure.  So I was surprised when taking a break at the lovely Terre Blanche near Fayence (more on this in a later post) recovering from 'le gastro' that I found myself having a conversation in the jacuzzi with GF (my Gentleman Friend) about just that.  Once baby-dependency is over I want to drink less.  I would still like to enjoy a glass of wine at times, and for times when there's a party, well, I want to party.  But I also would like to remove the daily dependency that was there before this new sprog-seed was sprouted.  GF agreed entirely and I was secretly pleased - it's so much easier facing a challenge together!

My other goal is to better control my tendency to stress (which I've written about here, here and here).  I'm a big fan of blogs Zen Habits and A Flourishing Life.   Because I freelance my schedule ranges from being completely empty to frantically hectic.  What I have realised is that both of these apparently opposing states of existence are simply in my mind.  It is my thoughts that are making things seem hectic, simply my approach, so the trick is to ignore these thoughts.  My goal is to have the same head space, the same level of calm and focus, no matter what my work schedule is. 

I thought it might come in handy to prepare a little guide then for non-stress NYR's.

Gertie's Guide to making NYR's

  1. Be happy.  You want to loose weight?  Then exercise more and eat less, but choose activities and foods that you enjoy in the process.  There are loads of delicious healthy foods to discover out there, and there are loads of fun ways to become more active.  Have fun on your journey.  Zumba anyone?
  2. Be forgiving.  You are human, you WILL make mistakes.  But don't kick yourself when you're down and give up on everything.  Get back up, brush yourself down and keep going.  Focus on the positive goal rather than the momentary stumble.
  3. Laugh and sing.  Laughing and singing are the elixirs of life.  The energy that comes out of these simple activities is infectuous.  Be conscious and try to incorporate them into your everyday life.  One of my current pick-me-up favourites is Good Feeling by Flo Rida.  I dare you to keep your toes from tapping!
2013 is going to be an exciting year!  What are your NYR's?  I'd like to hear if you've made any.

x G


To have a dry January (this is a tough one already as what is food without wine?) Following on from my great attempts towards the end of last year, I shall remain a non-car eating individual until I finally get back my pre-baby figure. Aside from this, loving and looking forward to 2013.

Let me know how the non-carb thing goes. I've always been intrigued by it but never tried it. I think because I try to run and the thought of jogging without carbs gives me pangs!
Here's to happy success with our 2013 NYR's!!

To not shout as much. Try and control my temper and take a deep breath before opening my mouth!
BTW the no carbs after really works. Only brown rice and pasta too

That was meant to say no carbs after...5pm really works

I'm with you on that one City Girl At Heart! I too need to better myself in this area. Ah, I've not heard of the 'no carbs after 5pm'. Could be useful in the future for me!!

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