04 April 2013
26 March 2013
Mind Your Mindfulness
Posted by Gertie. family,meditate,mindfulness - No comments
Do you ever get the feeling that you're constantly running around and at the end of the day you don't feel like anything was accomplished? Or that you blink your eyes and your children have grown a foot and you can't remember the last time you just stopped and marveled at them? Or you find that everything you do is done while multi-tasking at something else?
15 March 2013
Declutter - Part 1
Posted by Gertie. cleaning,Home,organising,spring - No comments

08 March 2013
Things to Start Doing... No Excuses!
Posted by Gertie. organisation,Stress,zen - No comments
2. Have at least 8 hours of sleep a night (before the baby arrives!).
3. Meditate daily.
4. Avoid processed food.
5. Concentrate on the positives instead of negatives.
6. Have sex at least twice a week (before the baby arrives!).
7. Think the best of others.
8. Laugh more.
9. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
10. Appreciate the small things.
28 February 2013
eBay Baby
Posted by Gertie. shopping - No comments

eBay can be your best friend. It can also be the bitch who stabs you in the back and then laughs in your face when your crying! It's all about knowing how to handle yourself... Having said this, I have been spurred on to write this guide due to me making a seriously amateur blunder this morning, and overbidding for an item I was convinced I could not live without so I am not portraying myself as the frugal eBay expert but I'm getting much better! (Also this mornings slip up can be entirely blamed on pregnancy hormones!)
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